
What is File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client?

FTP client is the software that connect local device and site server. The purpose of connection is to use the FTP protocol to transfer files between them. It’s available to install on Window, Mac and Linux devices.

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Why we need to use FTP client?

This is because we can still use it to upload files to site server even when website got error. It enable you to download and upload files to troubleshoot and fix the website error.

Example of FTP client we used: FileZilla

Why we choose FileZilla?

How to backup WordPress files using FileZilla?


FTP login credentials (find in cPanel or get from server admin or hosting provider)

  1. Click first icon on top toolbar
  2. Click New Site button at left bottom
  3. In General tab, input host, port, user and password
  4. Logon type select Normal if you cannot key in password
  5. Go to Transfer Settings tab, Check Passive for Transfer mode
  6. Go back to General tab, Click Connect button once done 
  7. You are now connected to WordPress website files
  8. Remote site showing all the files in your website. Download all the files in public_html by selecting all the files and drag it to your local device which indicate by ‘Local site’
  9. The download process start
  10. It might taking some time depending on the file size. If the status show ‘File transfer successful’ then you had done backup your WordPress files.

Keep in mind that you also need to download your site sql file in phpMyAdmin as files in public_html does not include your database file. Check wp-config.php file for your database details.

Check also Why we need to backup website.

In short, it’s important to backup website before you do any major changes such as performing an update on the website. This is to prevent any errors that cannot be recovered.

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