
How To Edit Page Using Elementor

Through this tutorial, you will learn how to use Elementor drag-and-drop page builder to edit pages.

First step:
Log in to WordPress dashboard using your own USERNAME and PASSWORD.

Step 2:
Let’s open the page for editing. Navigate to Pages > All Pages tab on the left of the Dashboard. The default page editor will open. Here click on Edit with Elementor button to proceed to editing with Elementor

Step 3:
Find your target page. For example, my target page is the homepage. Click “Edit with Elementor”. Next, we will use Elementor to edit the page.

Step 4:
First, we need to edit the text. To edit the text, you only need to double-click the target text and can start to edit the text on the left.

Step 5:
Next, we will edit the image. To edit the image, just same click once on the target image and choose the image you want to change on the left.

Step 6:
This only works if your picture is in the media library. If your picture is not in the media library, you need to upload it from your local computer file. In order to make the position of the image more beautiful, you can edit its position in the settings on the left.

Step 7:

Once you are satisfied with the changed content, check it carefully and click Preview. Then you can update it so that the content will be updated successfully.

Last step:
After update now can go to the website and refresh. You will see the result and finally it is done.



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