
Latest Website TipsBlog

Why Is It Necessary To Include Such Extensive Information In The Footer?

The Importance Of Comprehensive Footer Information On Websites The footer of a website, often considered the last piece of real estate in web design, is …

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How To Enabled Maintenance Mode On Website

What is Maintenance Mode? Maintenance mode is often used when performing updates, theme updates, and plugin updates. By enabling maintenance mode, you can ensure that …

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How We Helped GoCT.my Become the #No.1 Import Car Calculator Website.jpg

How We Helped GoCT.my Become the No.1 Import Car Calculator Website

Introduction GoCT.my, a leading import car calculator website, approached us in early 2023 with the goal of improving their search engine rankings and increasing organic …

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How to add sorting on custom post type

What is custom post type A custom post type is a personalized type of post that helps in organizing content beyond the standard ‘Posts’ and …

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How to solve HTTPS issue

What is HTTPS HTTPS, or HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure, is a web technology that adds an extra layer of security when data is sent between …

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How To Add GTM Code In Elementor

What is Google Ads GTM Code? Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a free tool by Google that simplifies the process of managing various tags, such …

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How To Setup Mail Client on Your iOS Phone

Setting up a mail client on your iOS phone can streamline your communication process, ensuring you never miss an important message. Whether you use Gmail, …

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