
How To Set “Dynamic Visibility” With Condition Dropdown By Using Coding In Elementor Form

What Does Dynamic Visibility Means?

Dynamic visibility in Elementor refers to the ability to control the visibility of elements or sections on a web page based on certain conditions or rules. It allows you to show or hide specific elements dynamically, depending on factors such as user interactions, device types, date/time, user roles, and more.

How To Set “Dynamic Visibility” With Condition Dropdown By Using Coding In Elementor Form

Below Are The Following Steps :

Step 1 : Login to WordPress Dashboard [https://website.com.my/wp-admin]

Step 2 : Click on the “Edit With Elementor” with the page that have using the Elementor Form

Step 3 : Find and drag a widget which is “HTML” under the button of the form

Step 4 : Click On “Add Item” button, then select “Text” as the Type at Content followed by insert an ID at Advanced which is for coding purpose

Step 5 : Paste the “HTML code” below in HTML widget

let showThisFieldIf = {
ID Set At Advanced: {
mySelectField: [num*],

function testLogic() {
for (const [conditionalInputID, condition] of Object.entries(showThisFieldIf)) {
let conditionalInput = setInputsElemArray(conditionalInputID);
let match = true;
for (const [conditionID, conditionValues] of Object.entries(condition)) {
let inputs = setInputsElemArray(conditionID);
let selectedInputs = [];
inputs.forEach((input, i) => { if (input.checked) { selectedInputs.push(i); } });
if (inputs[0].tagName == ‘SELECT’) {
let adjustedConditionValues = conditionValues.map(e => e – 1);
if (!(adjustedConditionValues.every(condition => selectedInputs.indexOf(condition) > -1))) {
match = false;
if (match) {
conditionalInput.forEach(e => e.closest(‘.elementor-field-group’).style.display = “block”)
} else {
conditionalInput.forEach(e => e.closest(‘.elementor-field-group’).style.display = “none”)


/* Add event listeners */
for (const [conditionalInputID, condition] of Object.entries(showThisFieldIf)) {
for (const [conditionID, conditionValues] of Object.entries(condition)) {
let inputs = setInputsElemArray(conditionID);
inputs.forEach(input => {
input.addEventListener(‘input’, function () {

function setInputsElemArray(ID) {
let selectors = `[name=”form_fields[${ID}]”]`;
let inputs = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selectors));
if (!inputs.length) {
selectors = `[name=”form_fields[${ID}][]”]`;
inputs = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selectors));
return inputs;


 For num* : This is depends on which selection that you want show the “Text” box, the number of the beginning of the selection counted as 1

Step 6 : Click On “Update” button to save your progress.

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