Why Your Small Business Need A Website
We understand why you might resist establishing one for your business. “why business need a website?’, “I don’t understand technology”, “They are too expensive”, “I don’t have time”, or the notorious “I have enough business, I don’t need one”. The reality is that you don’t need to be tech-savvy. Getting a professional website for your business can be cheap and easy, and it’s simpler for you-no website is costing you time and money.
Look at this…81% of people research a business or service on the Internet before making a purchase decision. This means that 25.92 million people search for businesses online. However, 46% of business owners cited “the business does not currently need” as their primary reason for not having a website. We are not statisticians, but we can see that there is a clear disconnect here.
If your business has come this far without a website, you may be thinking: Does my business need a website? If my business is already successful without one, what’s the point? Here have eight reasons why small business need a website.
The short answer is that there is no better or more important time to invest in a website for your business than now. Websites offer a wide variety of benefits to small businesses, most of which are growing exponentially in value year after year, just like the Internet itself.
Not convinced? We’ve gathered the top 8 benefits your small business can gain even from a simple website.
1. A website makes you look professional, even a simple website
84% of today’s consumers believe that a website makes your business more credible than a company that only has social media profiles. Your website is also the ideal place to showcase any professional certifications or awards your business has received.
Add instant credibility to your business by simply having a website.The 21st century consumer is a skeptic; in fact, 56% of people say they wouldn’t trust a business without a website. Having a good website can immediately increase your credibility as a legitimate business. First impressions matter, and a website allows you to make a lasting impression with a well-designed presentation of your business.
2. Your website can attract new customers through Google
You may be happy with the current size of your business, but every company experiences customer churn. To encourage continued success, you need to attract new customers, and one of the best ways to do this is to make yourself visible on Google. A well-optimized website can help your business rank well for a variety of search terms and attract a steady stream of new customers. There are several free SEO tools that allow you to easily optimize your website without any prior training.
3. You can clearly showcase your products and services
You can show potential customers what they will get when they work with you by displaying high quality photos on your website. You can also use your website design and featured images to give people an idea of what it’s like to be in your physical location. If your brand is closely related to the “feel” of your location
4. You can display your best reviews and testimonials prominently on your website
Prominently displaying your best reviews and/or testimonials on your website is a great way to build social recognition. Posting your best reviews on your website also helps create a permanent archive for secondary purposes. This means that even if a third-party review site closes at some point in the future, you will still have access to your best reviews.
5. Websites can encourage customers to contact you
A website is a great place to make your contact information easily accessible to potential customers. You can even post your contact information in the header or footer so that it appears on every page. Modern website builders (more on this later) can also easily create contact forms that will protect your business email from spam.
6. Your website establishes your position in the industry
If your competitors aren’t already online, they probably will be soon. Start by building a quality website that establishes yourself as a leader in your field. If your competitors are online, you have a different opportunity: you can build a website that is completely different from your competitors’ websites and show potential customers what makes your company stand out.
7. Websites ensure your long-term success
In 2020, nearly 4.54 billion people (59% of the world’s population) will be using the Internet, and more and more of them will be online. Without a website, these people won’t see your business. As we move further into the digital age, unless you invest in a website, your business will become invisible to everyone. Therefore, in order to remain competitive in this increasingly digital world, your business needs to be online. So, does my business need a website? Final Verdict
Hopefully by now you have realized that the question is not “do I need a website for my business”, but rather “can I afford not to have a website in the digital age”. If you want to continue to prosper in the long run, the answer is no. A website is one of the best investments any business can make in the future.
8. It’s not as hard, or as expensive, as you think. Just a simple website for your business.
You don’t need to be tech savvy to get a website. Many web development companies have very simple signup processes which make the process quick and painless for you. It can be very cost effective. Websites offer a better return on investment than any other form of advertising. If you’re planning to market your business, a website should be your first priority. Over time the relatively low investment of getting a business website will pay dividends by driving you new customers and building your brand. Plus, it’s a legitimate business expense and a tax write off.