
What is ‘E-Commerce’?

E-Commerce (also known as Electric Commerce), is the selling or purchasing of products/services via the Internet. In this technological era, many businesses are choosing e-commerce as there are many companies out there who are interested in developing their online store.

Here are 5 benefits of E-Commerce website for business:

1. Easiness

Customers can buy their products anywhere, whether they are at work or home, at any time day or night. The best thing is, they are able to transfer funds online. Customers can save ample of time searching for the product/service that they want and make their payment online. E-commerce makes things super accessible. Doesn’t it?

2. Stay Open 24/7/365

There are no restrictions when customers can shop for and purchase your products/services. E-commerce merchants would be able to run their e-commerce websites all the time, helping them to increase their sales. Guess that’s what they all mean by “Make money while you sleep”.

3. Lower Start-Up and Running Costs

This is one of the most tangible positives of e-commerce websites. As compared to a physical store, an online store can be set up for a fraction of the cost. With e-commerce, costs for advertising, marketing and personnel can be reduced.

4. Always at the Right Location

With an e-commerce website, the whole world is your playground. Overcome those geographical limitations and sell your products/services globally! You will be able to reach out to customers all over the world and increase your sales.

5. Reach Out to More Customers

Online retail is driven by traffic from search engines. More Search Engine Visibility will attract more people to your e-commerce website. It is very usual for customers to follow a link found on the Internet and find themselves landing on your e-commerce website, which they may not have heard of.

So, what are you waiting for? Call us, Whatsapp us at 010-469 7399 or visit our website https://latitudeinnovation.com.my/web-design-service/

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