What is Canva?
Canva is a powerful graphic design tool for creating your design for a project. The Canva is suitable for students but also teachers or other designers to use for designing the projects. Most importantly, this tool is free-of-charge and has a user-friendly layout and the functions are straightforward and easy to use by drag-and-drop user interface to execute the function.
Canva is allowing social media account login as it is easy to sign-in an account and save the project that was created. There are no extra charges except subscribing to the Canva pro plan. At the same time, in Canva Pro, it can allow users to post Facebook and Instagram posts by using the function of content planner. This is because we do not need posting the post manually and it can efficiency to use for scheduling when and what time for posting the post.
How to schedule Facebook / Instagram posts by using Canva?
Step 1:
First, login into the Canva Pro account and click the button of “Content Planner” at the left menu bar.
Step 2:
A calendar will be shown and choose the date for posting the post on Facebook or Instagram.
Step 3:
A (+) PLUS icon will be shown after mouse hovering to the date and clicking it.
Step 4:
After that will enter the selecting section, choose the image that wants to be the featured image of the post.
Step 5:
Next, select the featured image, there is a selection for selecting the channel that you want to post.
Step 6:
These are the channels for posting the post. Only available for Instagram Business, Facebook Page, Twitter, Facebook Group, Pinterest, LinkedIn Profile, LinkedIn Page, Slack and Tumblr.
Step 7:
Besides, click the button “Connect via Facebook” to connect with your Facebook account.
Step 8:
Next, choose which page is going to post the post.
Last Step :
Last but not least, write the content of the post within 5000 words and click “Schedule” to post it !
Also,you can click the button of “ Save as Draft” to save it as draft if you have not completed the content yet.