
How to Build a Successful E-commerce Website – Using Astra Theme

How to setup PayPal payment gateway to your WooCommerce Website

What is Paypal?

One of the financial service that allow you to make a secure purchase, transfer money and accept payments
An online payment method

Why PayPal?

  • Convenient payment process (Enter email and password to pay)
  • Provide buyer protection (Money back guarantee)
  • Secure payment method

16.0 Set Up Payment gateway (PayPal)

  1. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments

  2. Click Set Up

  3. Check box to Enable PayPal standard
  4. Set Title shown to customers during checkout
  5. Add info shown to customers if they select PayPal
  6. Enter Paypal account email address to receive payment in PayPal email
  7. Check the box to Enable PayPal sandbox. Refer Set up PayPal sandbox to test payment before go live
  8. Check Debug log for troubleshooting purpose
  9. Enter primary address in Receiver email
  10. PayPal identity token use to verify payment without PayPal IPN. Can provide token to customers so that they can get details of payment process
    Refer Get PayPal Identity Token for steps
  11. Invoice Prefix – initial code to help you identify transaction
    Once purchase made, invoice number generated with unique number and prefix
    Useful if you owns more than one online store
    By default, prefix is set WC
  12. Check the box enable shipping details send to PayPal address instead of billing address
  13. Address override – PayPal verify address thus this settings may cause error
    Recommend to disabled
  14. Choose Payment action
    – Capture – payment from customers process immediately without any verification, save time
    – Authorize – you need to authorize payment manually before the payment is finalizing and complete, time consuming and customers easily get annoyed 
  15. Optionally enter name of page style you wish to use
    Defined within PayPal account
    Affect classic PayPal checkout
  16. Optionally enter URL to image display as logo in upper left corner of PayPal checkout page
  17. Enter your Live API username, password and signature. Refer Get PayPal API credentials for steps
  18. Click Save Changes.

16.1 Get PayPal Identity Token

  1. Login to PayPal account
  2. Click Settings icon at upper right
  3. Select Account Settings from dropdown

  4. Select Website payments tab under Products & Services section

  5. Select Update at the right of Website preferences

  6. Select On for Auto return, Enter your website URL in Return URL and Click Save
  7. Select On for Payment Data Transfer. Done.

16.2 Get PayPal API credentials

  1. Login to your PayPal account
  2. Click Settings icon at upper right
  3. Select Account Settings from the dropdown

  4. Select Account access tab under Account & Security section
  5. Click Update at the right of API access

  6. Scroll down the page of payment API credentials
  7. Search for NVP/SOAP API integration (Classic)
  8. Click Manage API credentials
  9. View or Remove API Signature page display
  10. Click Show and Copy your API username, API password and signature

16.3 Set up PayPal sandbox 

Create PayPal sandbox account to test PayPal processes before go live

Before begin

  • Create one PayPal account

  1. Open PayPal developer website

  2. Click Log into Dashboard button at top right
  3. Enter your PayPal account email and password
  4. Click Log In
  5. Navigate to Accounts under Sandbox

  6. Click Create Account to create sandbox account
  7. Select Personal (Buyer Account) for Account Type

  8. Select country from dropdown list
  9. Click Create
    The account is created. 
  10. Click … at column of Manage Accounts

  11. Select View/ Edit Account from dropdown
  12. Account Details prompt out display
    You can either use generated Email ID and Password or create new Email ID and Password
  13. Click Edit in the prompt out if want to create your own email ID and password

  14. You can change your email ID and password

  15. After change, Click Save at the bottom of prompt out
  16. Close the prompt out.
    Repeat the steps from 6 – 15 for Business (Merchant Account)
  17. After that, Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments

  18. Click Manage button
  19. Select checkbox of Enable PayPal sandbox

  20. Enter merchant test account email created in Step 16 for PayPal email and Receiver email

  21. Click Save changes at bottom of page. Now PayPal payment method is in test mode.

16.4 Make Test Purchase

Make purchase using buyer test account

  1. Go to your website 
  2. Add some products to cart and Click Proceed to checkout
  3. Fill in your billing details
  4. Click Proceed to PayPal
  5. Enter your buyer test account email and password

  6. Click Log In
    You are being sent to test store (URL in address bar is www.sandbox.paypal.com )

  7. Click Pay Now button

  8. Click Return to merchant at bottom to complete your order. Checkout page display your Order details, Billing address and Shipping address. You have made payment without real money

Note: Remember to delete testing order after done testing Paypal, untick Enable PayPal sandbox checkbox and enter real PayPal account email for PayPal email and Receiver email

17.0 Check User and Its Order

17.1 View customers that made payment on website

  1. Go to WooCommerce > Customers

  2. View customers list on the right

17.2 View Customer’s Order

    1. Go to WooCommerce > Orders

      The details display include: Order number, Date of Purchase, Order Status and Purchase Total (it might be vary with yours)

    2. Select Screen Options at the top upper right corner to change the details display

    3. Select the checkbox for columns you want to display and Click Apply button
    4. Click eye icon to view the order details

      A modal popup display order details

17.3 Update User Status

  1. Go to WooCommerce > Orders

  2. Click the Status (eg: Processing) / Order number of order you want to change

  3. You will be redirected to Order Details Panel

  4. Select the status you wish to change from the dropdown list
    There are 7 types of status available:

    Pending payment — Order received, no payment initiated. Awaiting payment (unpaid).
    Processing — Payment received (paid) and stock has been reduced; order is awaiting fulfillment. All product orders require processing, except those that only contain products which are both Virtual and Downloadable.
    On hold — Awaiting payment – stock is reduced, but you need to confirm payment.
    Completed — Order fulfilled and complete – requires no further action.
    Canceled — Canceled by an admin or the customer – stock is increased, no further action required.
    Refunded — Refunded by an admin – no further action required.
    Failed — Payment failed or was declined (unpaid) or requires authentication (SCA).

  5. Click Update at the right to save the changes

    In conclusion, to develop an eCommerce website is not a difficult task. But, choose the right themes is a very important decision shall make before starting the project. Because, after developing, it could let us run our business for at least 3-5 years. Astra theme is one of the themes that can fulfill the requirement of the search engine, especially Google.

    Would you like to look for a hand to develop a hassle-free eCommerce website for yourself? Yes, we are willing to help. Contact us now!

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